I’m Enzo Guo. An engineer and project manager.


My story

Like a lot of kids, I dreamed of flying. As an adult, that dream didn’t fade away. Maybe someday, after a lot of work, I could make my dream a reality. Growing up, it didn’t seem like there were many opportunities in aviation for someone like me in China mainland. Flying was a dream and, I thought, a dream only.

Well, it was until 5 years ago, that I had the opportunity to join a general aviation exhibition and was immediately hooked. Ordinary people really can do this? Flying a small airplane is a thing? So cool.

However, when COVID hit, most activities shut down. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to pursue my dream of flying and decided to move abroad. Pursuing dreams is what makes life exciting. The more we can see people following their dreams and achieving them the more we believe in our own. Then I start to research where is the best destination and what kind of aircraft I could make.

I want an aircraft with 4 seats, high wings, and a tailwheel. There are two decisive choices. One is the Van’s RV-15, and one is the Murphy’s Radical. But at the current status, there are a lot of other things still to be addressed. It’s going to be a long process to get it into the air. The most important thing for me is learning English and taking a test as soon as possible. Without that, the dream is still only a dream.

I’m happy to share the following story with you. I hope that others can learn from my experiences and get inspired to go work on their own. Please keep in touch with me and follow along with the project and my adventures.

You’re just here to experience life. You can’t own anything. You can’t keep anything. You don’t need to prove anything. What you can do is to keep trying, harvesting, feeling and letting go.

Time line

  • 学信网认证: 2023-05-25 成绩认证成功
  • WES认证: 2023-05-25 上传WES
  • IELTS: 2023--
  • VISA: 2023--
  • Tickets: 2023--

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